Onsite Training Courses
Do you have a large group that requires thermography training? ITC’s onsite training courses are the best way to accommodate a large group on a limited budget. Our instructors will travel directly to your facility which not only limits travel costs but keeps your staff onsite; reducing downtime and short staff issues. Not to mention instruction is tailored to your specific application! Staff will benefit from hands-on learning that addresses the scenarios and equipment they are responsible for on a daily basis. Contact us today for a free phone consultation and quote!
- Save money by eliminating costly travel expensesincluding airfare, hotel and meals
- Lower the per-person standard registration price (groups of 10+)
- Convenience of training at your local facility with the global leader in IR thermography certification
- Incorporate hands-on field work using your equipment
- Customize the training material to address specific applications or needs
- Improve the overall student/teacher ratio for a more personalized learning experience
- Optical Gas Imaging– 3 days
- Level I Thermography Certification – 4 days
- Level II Thermography Certification – 4 days
- Level III Thermography Certification – 4 days
Don’t see a class? Just ask! Find out how ITC can support your thermography needs
Contact us for a quote today!