World Class Infrared Training For Thermography Professionals

Level I Electrical Thermography Certification

RSVP for our Upcoming Online Level 1 Training on March 4th-7th 2025

The Electrical Level I Thermography Certification training course is geared to the new infrared camera or practicing thermographers wanting focused training primarily on electrical inspection, but also covering a variety of condition monitoring / predictive maintenance applications. Course focuses on commercial electrical systems from the building service through switchgear, bus ducts, motor control centers, electrical distribution panels, and breakers. Attendees who complete all training course requirements and a thermography field assignment will receive a Level I Infrared thermography certification.

As a Level I electrical certified thermographer you’ll learn how infrared cameras make and capture images, how to make accurate temperature measurements with an infrared camera, and all of the foundational science you’ll need to get the most out of your camera. Plus, you’ll discover how to conduct safe thermographic electrical inspections in a variety of common use cases and create basic reports so you can share your findings with team members, customers, and other stakeholders. In short, a Level I Electrical certification gives you all the tools you need to begin your journey as a safe, capable thermographer, getting the most value out of your investment in infrared cameras and adding tremendous value to your organization or business.

Course Objectives

  • Introduction to thermal imaging and measurement systems for predictive maintenance applications. No experience in thermography is necessary!
  • Acquire good electrical inspection safety procedures.
  • Study indoor and outdoor electrical equipment inspection methods.
  • Recognize the typical thermal patterns associated with electrical faults.
  • Collect quality data, and account for effects such as distance and emissivity using infrared cameras.
  • Interpret thermograms and make informed decisions using heat transfer concepts to analyze images.
  • Review severity criteria used for electrical inspections.
  • Learn how to report your findings with infrared analysis and IR reporting software.
  • Avoid costly mistakes – learn to distinguish between hot spots and reflections, direct vs. indirect readings and qualitative vs. quantitative thermography.
  • Challenge yourself with field applications labs that closely simulate real-world infrared applications.

Required Course Materials

  • IR Camera (OPTIONAL)– Students will be required to complete various labs & exercises throughout the duration of the course.
  • Laptop– Certification Examinations will be administered electronically. Tablets are also acceptable.
  • IR Reporting Software- Please have software installed prior to class. Software can be used to assist with many of the camera lab exercises

Please note that cameras are not provided during the training course, ff you have an IR camera you can utilize it for the training. If you do not have access to a camera you can rent one through KVR FLIR by calling +1868-293-3547, however having a camera is not mandatory for the training. If you are attending the training with a colleague or friend, you may share a camera however we recommend no more than three students per IR camera.

Cost of Training & Certification

A Course Fee of $2,300.00 USD includes course instruction and course materials.

What’s Included In Our Course Fee?

  • Tuition: Live Course Instruction for 4 Days (8hr. sessions each day), Instructional Course Manual, Practical Lab Exercises, Certification Exam and Certification Documents.
  • Certification: Students who complete all training course requirements receive a Level I Electrical Infrared Thermography Certification.
  • Accreditation: Continuing Education Credits: ITC: 24 CEU’s

As a global organization supporting a range of industries and applications, we acknowledge and adhere to the standards provided by the American Society of Non-Destructive Testing (ASNT), the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT), and the International Standards Organization (ISO). Specifically, we follow ASNT SNT-TC-1A & CP-105 for North American courses, BINDT CMGEN appB for United Kingdom classes, and ISO 18436 & 9712 for courses conducted in Latin America, Europe, and Asia. Our understanding of the importance of a quality education and our compliance with common NDT standards are just some of the reasons why Infrared Training Center certifications are recognized globally as the industry gold-standard.

No previous thermography experience or IR camera is required.
Learning objectives, contact hours, and written exam are based on requirements outlined by ANSI/ASNT CP-105 and CP-189 of the American Society for Non-Destructive Testing.